शनिवार, 18 अगस्त 2012

Our Country

       I am fortunate that I was born in India.Populationwise,India is the second biggest nation in the world.Mighty river,like the Ganga,the Yamuna,and the Brahmaputra,flow in India.It is a land full of diversity .People speak many languages here.
          Sanskrit,one of the oldest languages in world,grew and developed only in India.It is in India where God is supposed to have been born to time to time.For many people India is God's country.It has also been the home of many great people like Lord Rama, Krishna, Mahvir, Gautum Buddha and Guru Nanak.Many leaders fought for the freedom of India.They include Mahatma Gandhi, Laxmi Bai, Subhash Chandra Bose and Nehru.
          My country is full of monuments, temples and fascinating natural sites.It is the land of Himalyas.One of the seven wonders of the world ' THE TAJMAHAL'is also here.          
          I am proud being an indian. I shall live and die for the sake of my country.



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