This year the monsoon arrived on time. The month was July.The schools have opened after a long vacations.In the morning the clouds gathered in the sky after a storm. I was on my way to school. Then it started raining and it turned into a downpour.I took shelter in a nearby house.
Suddenly it was cool and comfortable. Things got washed and looked refreshing. The trees began to shine. the rain drops produced a pleasant music. Everybody welcomed the showers.
People took out their umbrellas and rain-coats .street children began to play in knee deep rain water. When the rain stopped a little I decided to return home and enjoy myself.
There was a water-logging many places. The drainage system had failed. The authorities were caught napping.
शनिवार, 30 अक्टूबर 2010
शनिवार, 3 जुलाई 2010
Once there was a lion who was sleeping under a tree. A mouse was running up and down there and this disturbed the lion. Lion got up from sleep and caught hold of the mouse and was about to eat it , but the poor mouse requested lion to leave him and promised that he will do what ever help possible for him in future. The lion laughed at this as he was sure a mouse can never be of any help to Lion who is king of jungle but anyway he let the mouse go.
Few months latter some hunters came to the jungle and lay net in which the Lion was caught. The mouse saw this and he slowly started biting the rope with his teeth. Soon the net was opened up and the Lion escaped. Thus a small mouse was able to save the life of Lion in turn for the kindness that the Lion had shown before.
कर भला तो हो भला
Few months latter some hunters came to the jungle and lay net in which the Lion was caught. The mouse saw this and he slowly started biting the rope with his teeth. Soon the net was opened up and the Lion escaped. Thus a small mouse was able to save the life of Lion in turn for the kindness that the Lion had shown before.
कर भला तो हो भला
शुक्रवार, 2 जुलाई 2010
Once a farmer lived in a village. He had a goose. It had a magical quality.It used to lay a golden egg every morning.Everyday he used to sell the golden egg in market and make money. Soon the farmer became rich.Once he had a greedy idea.
He thought " why not I cut open the stomach of the goose and take out all golden eggs at once rather than selling one egg everyday ". With such wicked thought the farmer took a knife and cut open gooses's stomach.
To the surprise of the farmer there were no eggs inside and the goose had also died , leaving the farmer feeling miserable.
लालच बुरी बला
शनिवार, 26 जून 2010
The Proud Donkey
Once an idol maker made a large idol for Dussehra festival .He was to deliver it to a rich merchant's house.As he could not carry the idol, he hired a donkey to carry it to the merchant's house.He placed the idol on the donkey's back and went on his way.On the way many people saw the idol of the GODDESS on the donkey's back.Out of religious ardour many of them bowed with folded hands.Some stopped just admire the beauty of the craftsmanship.
The donkey thought that the people were bowing to him.He felt pride at the admiring looks he thought they were giving to him.So as he walked ,the foolish donkey started braying loudly in pride and pleasure. The idol maker said polite words to stop the donkey from braying.
But the donkey brayed on. He started walking in a showy manner.The idol maker was afraid that the idiol may fall off.In anger he took the stick and thrashed at the donkey's legs. The thrashing made the donkey realize to come to his senses. He forgot his false pride and walked properly without any prud antics.
By: Isshani Pande
Once an idol maker made a large idol for Dussehra festival .He was to deliver it to a rich merchant's house.As he could not carry the idol, he hired a donkey to carry it to the merchant's house.He placed the idol on the donkey's back and went on his way.On the way many people saw the idol of the GODDESS on the donkey's back.Out of religious ardour many of them bowed with folded hands.Some stopped just admire the beauty of the craftsmanship.
The donkey thought that the people were bowing to him.He felt pride at the admiring looks he thought they were giving to him.So as he walked ,the foolish donkey started braying loudly in pride and pleasure. The idol maker said polite words to stop the donkey from braying.
But the donkey brayed on. He started walking in a showy manner.The idol maker was afraid that the idiol may fall off.In anger he took the stick and thrashed at the donkey's legs. The thrashing made the donkey realize to come to his senses. He forgot his false pride and walked properly without any prud antics.
By: Isshani Pande
रविवार, 20 जून 2010
बुधवार, 2 जून 2010
एक चिड़िया की है ये कहानी,
घोसले में नन्हें बच्चों को ,
देती थी वो दाना पानी,
और बच्चों को वो थी चुगाती
धीरे धीरे बच्चे हुए बड़े,
नन्हें पंखों को थे वो फडफडाते
चिड़िया उनको सिखाती थी उड़ना
उड़ कर वो गिरते थे,
गिर कर वो संभलते थे,
एक दिन सीख गए उड़ना,
उड़ कर चले गए वो दूर,
चिड़िया देख उन्हें सोच रही थी
कि यही तो जीवन का है दस्तूर|
घोसले में नन्हें बच्चों को ,
देती थी वो दाना पानी,
और बच्चों को वो थी चुगाती
धीरे धीरे बच्चे हुए बड़े,
नन्हें पंखों को थे वो फडफडाते
चिड़िया उनको सिखाती थी उड़ना
उड़ कर वो गिरते थे,
गिर कर वो संभलते थे,
एक दिन सीख गए उड़ना,
उड़ कर चले गए वो दूर,
चिड़िया देख उन्हें सोच रही थी
कि यही तो जीवन का है दस्तूर|
बुधवार, 3 मार्च 2010
The Peacock And The Crane

" Well !"replied the crane," your looks are brighter than mine.But whereas I can fly high up into the sky, all
you can do is to strut about on the ground. "
रविवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2010
The Tailor And The Elephant
Once upon a time,there lived a tailor. His name was "Dayasagar."He was indeed 'an ocean of compassion", besides this, he was also hard working.Whenever he use to sitfor sewing clothes ,an elephant would come evrydayand stand near him. The tailor would daily give him something to eat. As a result, the elephant wol daily take him for aride. The elephant become so much fond of the tailor that, he would come everyday.
One day, the tailor had gone outside for work. He was unable to come to the shop.He told his son to sit in the shop. The next day,as the son opened the shop,the elephant came near the shopand stood there. The tailor's son was very mischievous.The elephant drew his trunk before the boy to take elephant food for him ,but the boy pierced needles in the elephant's trunk.The elephant got furious but went away silently.He went near pond, and tookn dirty water in his trunk,threafter returned back in the tailor's shop. The boy saw him arriving again. He thought of again piercing needle in this trunk,so that it woud not dare to come to that shop again.

शुक्रवार, 26 फ़रवरी 2010
The Pig And The Sheep

A farmer's boy went into his field. There were some sheep and a pig
there.He picked up the pig that squealed aloud.
"Why are you making a fuss?When he cathes us, we never cry."
said a sheep."
Shut up,cried the pig, the shepherd wants only wool from you.But
this boy is taking me away for my meat."
Moral : Life is dear to everyone.
बुधवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2010
The Prince And The Swan
One fine morning a boy named sidhartha went into a garden. There he saw many birds
cheerfully playing with eachother. After sometime, hisbrother Devdutt also arrived for a hunt inthe garden.Devdutt throw an arrow on aswan. The swan got
wounded and fell on the ground. Sidhartha felt pity on
the wounded swan and brought it in ahut. There,he took care of him.Devdutt came to take the swan,who had been wounded due to his arrow. He said,"Give this swan to me. I shall throw an arrow on it."Sidhartha said,"It is asin to kill a living-being. I have saved its life, therefore its mine."Both of them went to the
king to get justice.Sidhartha had taken the swan in his
The king listened to the complaints of both of
them. Finally he gave his decision.He said,"The right of the defender is more than the offender.Therefore the swan should lie in the possession of Prince Sidhartha."
Moral--We should have
compassion for the living
मंगलवार, 23 फ़रवरी 2010
भारत त्योहारों का देश है ,जहाँ छोटे बड़े बहुत से त्योहार मनाये जाते |इनमें होली बसंत ऋतु का रंगों से भरा त्योहार है |जब मौसम सर्दी से हट कर गर्मी की ओर करवट लेता है ,उस समय ये पानी रंगों से भरा त्योहार बच्चों एवम बड़ों दोनों को आनन्दित करता है|
होली के पीछे पौराणिक कथा भी छिपी है कि प्रहलाद नामक एक ईश्वर भक्त था जिसे उसके पिता ने मरने कि कोशिश किया एवम अपनी बहन होलिका के गोद में जलने दिया जिसमे पाप कि भागी होलिका तो जल गयी किन्तु इशवर का ये भक्त बच गया|तब से ये प्रथा चल पड़ी कि फाल्गुन कि पूर्णिमा के दिन होलिका दहन होता है ओर दूसरे दिन रंग से होली खेली जाती है|
उत्तर भारत में कई दिन होली का त्योहार मनाया जाता है, ब्रज में बरसाने की होली का आनन्द कुछ अलग ही है|वृन्दावन,मथुरा में अभी भी पौराणिक रास है इस त्योहार में |
होली के पहले से लोगों के घरों से पकवान की खुशबु से आना शुरू हो जाती है |बच्चों की तैयारी रंग और गुब्बारों से शुरू होती है कुछ लोग पक्के रंग से होली खेलना पसंद करते हैं किन्तु किसी भी त्योहार में हमें सुरक्षा का पूरा ध्यान रखना चाहिए|इसलिए ज्यादा पानी एवम नुकसानदायक रंगों से बचना चाहिए| होली के दिन सभी गिले शिकवे बैर मन से हटा कर सबके गले मिलना चाहिए क्योकि ये मेल मिलाप का त्योहार है|
रविवार, 21 फ़रवरी 2010
होली का त्योहार
आया आया फाल्गुन मास आया
साथ अपने रंगों भरा त्योहार लाया ;
रंग बिरंगे गुब्बारे,
रंगों से भरी पिचकारियाँ
रंगों में डूबे ये बच्चे
लगते कितने प्यारे|
माँ,चाची, दादी मिलकर
बनाते हैं ढेरों पकवान,
देखो देखो घर पर
आते हैं कितने मेहमान
लाल, गुलाबी.नीला,पीला
देखो रंग है कितना नशीला,
उस पर सबका कपडा भी है
कितना गीला,
गिले शिकवे मिटा कर
सब मिलते हैं गले
देखो कितना सुन्दर
कितना प्यारा है त्योहार .....
ये है रंगों में डूबा बसंत का त्योहार......
सब को होली की अग्रिम शुभकामनाएं
साथ अपने रंगों भरा त्योहार लाया ;
रंग बिरंगे गुब्बारे,
रंगों से भरी पिचकारियाँ
रंगों में डूबे ये बच्चे
लगते कितने प्यारे|
माँ,चाची, दादी मिलकर
बनाते हैं ढेरों पकवान,
देखो देखो घर पर
आते हैं कितने मेहमान
लाल, गुलाबी.नीला,पीला
देखो रंग है कितना नशीला,
उस पर सबका कपडा भी है
कितना गीला,
गिले शिकवे मिटा कर
सब मिलते हैं गले
देखो कितना सुन्दर
कितना प्यारा है त्योहार .....
ये है रंगों में डूबा बसंत का त्योहार......
सब को होली की अग्रिम शुभकामनाएं
19th February is the day of Shivjayanti as Chhatrapati Shivaji was born on this date in 1627. We have a lot to learn from the life of this great King , leader and a true warrior . The history is incomplete without the history of Shivaji. He has been a source of inspiration and pride to the past generations and will continue to inspire the future generations as well.
He founded the Hindu Kingdom against all odds fighting the mighty Moghuls thus teaching us to be brave and face the toughest of challenges. He inspired and united the common man to fight against the tyranny of Mughal Ruler Aurangjeb .
His military skills could be compared to those of Napolean – using guerilla warfare tactics and had developed a strong intelligence network and gave equal treatment to the people from all religions and castes .
He always thought ahead of time and was true visionary. His moral virtues were exceptionally high.
Even today he is venerated in India and especially in Maharashtra with awe and admiration and is viewed as a hero of epic proportions.
मंगलवार, 2 फ़रवरी 2010

Sanskar is very necessary in a human being to serve the society. Sanksar is nothing but a set of manner and discipline which is understood and practiced consistently under all circumstances. It is essential that these Sanskars are built in a human being right from childhood and role of Parents is paramount in developing these Sanskars.
Manner means a polite way of behaving in a society and Discipline means to have control over someone so that he or she behaves properly.
But before we get into the this subject it is important to understand the psychology of child basically what they like and what they can do etc. Parents need to bear in mind that every plant cannot be a rose plant but every plant can become healthy and beautiful by putting proper manure and trimming. This is so because every plant has its own beauty. Same thing we can do with our kids also as every child is having their own talent , we just need to polish them properly to remove the irregular rough portions and make them beautiful. We need to give timely input to children in this direction as to what is good and what is bad.
For this we need to provide inputs right from birth as different level of manners has to be taught at different age. Let us understand these ages in following groups :-
1. Birth to 3 Years :- This is a very complex age. At this age child start learning and imitate things very fast.At this age we should not shout at child and we should talk very politely with child as they learn same manner.When child completes one year we should give picture books and blocks and verbally tell them about these pictures and slowly tell them about good habit eg close mouth and eat , after eating do brush , do not touch and play with electrical gadgets etc. Important thing is to be strict but polite and loving.
2. Age 4 to 7 Years :- This is the age where we have to teach how to talk , walk and eat food. How to take bath , how to set bag for school as per time table and something about daily Puja at home before going to school. The child must finish daily homework the previous night .Slowly we have to teach them about outside world and how to behave in society eg when we go to someone’s house we should not touch anything , when they offer any snacks then only we should take and say thanks and develop habit of saying sorry if something wrong happens. Respect and obey elders. Teach them about table manners. We should now teach them few prayers and how to do Puja. Give some details about main deities , Gods and Goddesses . We should also tell them religious stories at this stage. Expose children by getting CD’s of Ramayan , Ganesh ji etc. Teach children to always respect elders and never disrespect anyone in society irrespective of caste , creed or social status.
3. Age 8 to 12 Years :- At this age child can understand everything and its importance. Teach them basic housekeeping principles . Teach them how to keep their belongings neat and tidy. Teach them how to keep each and everything neatly in its proper place .Most important is to inculcate in them habit of self study. It is necessary to teach them the value of money. We should also teach them one or two Yogas or basic exercise to kip themselves fit and healthy.
4. Age 13 to 16 Years :- This age is critical period of childs development. Start of teens brings many changes in children . At this age we should behave with them like friends. Tell them about good and bad things in the society. Teach them virtues of patience and tolerance. Teach them what all is good for their future.Always take your children into confidence before doing any work which impacts them.Discuss about their study and other matters of their interest. Give them space for themselves.
At every stage it is important that children have a fulfilling daily routine . For daily routine it is important to make a time table which should have balance between study and play or extra curricular activity. For week ends keep some time for going outside to some movie or dinner or any park or picnic or any family get together.
During vacations it is important that we take them to some good places and put them to some hobby classes as per their interest.
Always appreciate the good things that they do. Always be positive and take responsibility of their performance at school and outside. Never pressurize children for studies particularly before exams. Marks are important but not the most important thing in a child what is important is overall development of child . They should be healthy , polite , well behaved , have great personality with proper knowledge and should be able to communicate easily. Never tease or irritate the child as it develops negative feelings and thoughts in them.
If the children have discipline and manners in them these are the right Sanskars which the future citizen of the country would have .
शनिवार, 30 जनवरी 2010
It is not unusual now a days to get lost in a book stall in search of an apt book for children, as most of the books on shelf are either many representations of the same age old Panchtantra type of moral story books or mundane educative books or fictions written by those who are not of the age of those for whom these books are meant. Here is a unique presentation of a fiction story meant for children from the eye, heart and feel of a child and if adults too read and enjoy it is just reversing the trend!!! And may be for better!!!!
The story “HERO MY ALLROUNDER “ is conceived and thought out by Abishek who was then studying in Class IVth and written by me. It is a fiction that revolves around a family of 2+1 and Hero. This story is a representation of the feelings of a young boy in various social occasions presented in today’s society.
I sincerely hope this story will be read and enjoyed by people of all ages but particularly the kids and it will also go a long way in bringing out the author in every child and will turn out to be motivation for all of them, at budding age , to get into the habit of story writing.
I am presenting the story chapter-wise in 16 Chapters that follow.
June 13th 1999, Day Sunday, Time 5 p.m.,
Place Allahabad (U.P)
Place Allahabad (U.P)
It had been a very enjoyable Sunday for me as dad had played cricket with me with my plastic bat and ball in the morning. I, JIMMY, was just about five years old then. After a good nap post lunch my dad, CAPTAIN, my mom, HELEN and myself were on our evening walk in the colony where we lived. It had rained in the afternoon and had left signs of it on the road making it a bit slippery.
The weather was very pleasant with a good cool breeze .We could hear birds chirping and flying back to their nests. We had walked about a kilometer away from our house and were about to turn back for return walk to our house when suddenly we heard a very loud sound at a 20-meter distance ahead of us.
We could see a white Maruti 800 car stopped in the middle of the road and as we were approaching the place from where sound came we could see the Car speed away. A mother and a baby were crossing the road and had got crushed on the spot, by the same white Maruti Car.
Surprising though it was, there was no usual crowd gathering around the accident spot. On close observation we saw that the mother had died but the baby had survived. The baby was so small that it had no clue as to what had happened.
I was very nervous, as though, I was the reason of a mother and baby separation. I was staring at the scene helplessly. I noticed my parents were a bit unconcerned like many others who walked / motored past the scene. I slowly walked towards the baby who by then had moved a distance away from the dead mother and I lifted the baby in my arms.
The baby had very innocent eyes and white snowy hairs all over his body. The small puppy took out his tongue and started licking my hand and in a jerk I dropped the puppy. The puppy was lying still looking into my eyes. I looked towards my parents, deep into their eyes, looking for a possible option of taking the puppy with us. My parents were very kind hearted. My mom just blinked which I could understand meant yes. I jumped into the air with joy.
We brought the puppy home and named it HERO. Immediately I brought my old feeding bottle and gave it to my mom to fill it with milk, which she promptly did. HERO was very hungry and he fully emptied the milk bottle and slept in my lap. I brought my mattress and put HERO to sleep on it . I covered him with my bed sheet.
The next day after my dad left for office mom and I went to the market to purchase various daily needs of HERO. We purchased a small folding Cot, Soap, Shampoo, talcum powder, biscuits, toothpaste and toothbrush for HERO. We also gave two pairs of clothes to be stitched for HERO to a tailor.
I had selected each of these items. My mom was amazed to see the excitement in my eyes. HERO was always wandering around me all the time.
With every passing day HERO was slowly adjusting with all the members of the family and was becoming a part of the family. HERO got a lot of love and affection from our family and slowly forgot about his mother. It was a good time pass for me as all my summer holiday I was teaching all the good habits to HERO like going to toilet in the morning, brushing teeth and taking bath.
I was keen to give HERO a new start to his life and undertook it as my responsibility to do so. I wanted to give HERO an identity of any human being in the society. I took a small ball and started to play with HERO. Hero was very quick in picking up things and matched my expectations.
My parents were also helping me in teach new things to HERO. I brought a small basket and used to go to a shop close by to bring provisions for home as and when required along with HERO. The basket used to be on Hero’s neck. Slowly I also taught HERO how to give money to shopkeeper and collect back change.
My school had reopened after summer vacation. Three months had passed and now HERO was even able to recognize currency notes. In daytime mom used to take care of HERO. Evening when dad returned home , HERO used to stand on two legs and wish him. I had even taught him how to shake hands and welcome guests.
During my study time HERO used to switch on the table lamp and sit next to the table without disturbing me. During dinnertime all the family members including HERO used to assemble on the dinning table. With vib put around the neck and seeing everybody eat HERO also used to try to eat the same way. He had learnt all the table manners.
HERO had such good habits that taking him out was never a problem. Everyone outside also used to love HERO. He was unable to speak but he could understand everything.
Any stranger coming to our house had to pass through the check of HERO. By now HERO had become 8 months old. One day in the afternoon when my mom was alone in house somebody pressed the doorbell. There was a door-to-door salesman selling carpet at throwaway prices and hence my mom opened the door. HERO was sleeping.
As the person entered our house HERO could smell something fishy and he got up but for some strange reason he never barked he brought the telephone remote handset and kept it next to my mom and stood next to her. Really that person was not a salesman, he took out a country made pistol and put on my mom’s temple and demanded keys of the safe.
Within a split second HERO jumped and caught that man’s hand with his sharp teeth and stood on his hands and pointed at the telephone handset to my mom. My mom though in shock lifted the remote set and switched it on and could hear a policemen voice on the other side, HERO had already dialed the police and kept them online. My mom called the police and within 15 minutes the police reached our house and caught the fraud salesman red handed.
My mom had thrown a party in the evening as she was very happy and all who had gathered were admiring the intellect of this young puppy. Only next day through newspaper we came to know that this salesman had looted many houses in similar fashion in the city and police recovered valuables worth lakhs from the person. Suddenly HERO of our house had become the talk of the city. HERO was proud of his achievement but he took it as his duty.
Hero’s desire to learn new things was increasing by the day and so was my curiosity to teach him new things as this was helping me also in learning how to teach new skill to someone who had very little idea of these skills.
I was very fond of computer games and particularly enjoyed playing “ROAD RASH “ a motorbike racing game. HERO always used to sit next to me and keep observing me play the games.
It was Saturday and I was watering the flowerpots at home when HERO came to me and started persuading me to come inside the house. I was not keen to go inside immediately but HERO pulled me to the computer room by softly catching my shorts in his mouth. When I reached the computer room I saw that already the PC was switched on and ROAD RASH game was open in it. I thought my mom would have switched it on but I remembered that my mom had gone to the market to fetch vegetables leaving behind HERO and me.
I saw HERO was shaking his head, I asked him “ HERO did you switch on the PC “, and he answered with a positive shake of his head. I could see desire in Hero’s eyes to learn the game. I wondered how could I teach a computer game to HERO but then I decided to at least give it a try. I made HERO sit on a chair next to me and first told him about the various functions on the keyboard in use for this game viz the arrow keys, enter key and insert key. First I made HERO press the enter key which made the game ready and slowly started hand holding him on the game.
After about one week of teaching finally the moment came when HERO started playing the game from start to end, it was a very satisfying moment for me. In first full game his rank in race came 12th. HERO never liked defeat and he kept on trying and finally after about two months HERO achieved the 1st rank in race. HERO and myself were very happy that day. We put on the music and danced and celebrated the success. This day I realised that HERO is capable of learning anything and I can teach him everything , I just need to be patient.
Hero’s success in learning Road rash had motivated me beyond bounds to teach him more and more new things. Those days I was learning some tunes on Keyboards and one of the tunes was birthday song. It was 3rd June and two months from now was my sixth birthday and I had the desire that HERO should play birthday song on keyboard that day.
First day when I started playing keyboards, HERO did not show any interest and went onto the computer. Then I decided to take Dad’s help. Dad made HERO sit next to him and I played Birthday song on the keyboard for about two hours, repeating the same tune again and again.
Slowly HERO started taking interest in Keyboards .He moved close to the keyboard and started taking a close look at it. I also cajoled him to come close to the keyboards. Next day when I started playing the keyboards, HERO came to me on his own. This gave me confidence that HERO will surely learn keyboards and I will be successful but the job was tough. I knew teaching keyboards will be far difficult than teaching computer games as it involved only four buttons to be used on computer keyboard whereas keyboards had number of keys to be used and some of them simultaneously using both the hands. But still dad and myself were trying our best.
HERO was blessed with a sound brain. He was never perturbed by inability to pick up fast. First I taught him only those keys from which “Happy Birthday “ sound came out.
Hero’s birthday was also approaching. I was wondering as to what way we would celebrate his first birthday. Seeing me worried HERO thought I am worried with his slow progress and he started practicing the keys, which I had taught him on Keyboards. I understood HERO first wants to practice only the “Happy birthday “ keys, I also left HERO to practice that and myself, dad and mom got into making plans and preparing for Hero’s first birthday. It was 10th June today and Hero’s birthday was just three days away.
I was keen to celebrate Hero’s birthday in a big way. I sought permission from both mom and dad and I was too glad to hear that they were also thinking in the same lines. We got on with making list of invitees. Some close relatives, my friends and my dad’s friends were part of the list. All put together about fifty people were invited, we had personally given invitation cards to all to grace the occasion and be part of the unique celebration. Dad had arranged for a cook to prepare food as per menu decided by mom. Mom had ordered for a 4 kg cake. Dad and myself went to the market to purchase decoration items and we also purchased a ready-made dress for HERO.
We came back to home and took rest. Today is 12th June and tomorrow is Hero’s birthday. I was very excited and slept in the night with Alarm clock. As night passed the Alarm clock rang in the morning at 6 am. I got up and straight went to HERO and wished him many happy returns of the day. Mom and dad too came and wished HERO they had a chocolate box in their hand that was handed over to HERO. HERO got up and bowed and accepted all the good wishes from us.
After breakfast I started decoration of the house. HERO was helping me by giving all the decoration items one after another. Mom was also helping me and we finished decoration of the house by 2 pm.
At about 3 pm I took HERO to a nearby barbershop for haircut. We returned home at 4 pm. First I got ready and then dressed up HERO. Dad had also returned home after collecting cake from the shop.
HERO, dad, mom and myself were ready to receive guests. From 5 pm my friends started coming and by 6.30 pm all the guests had arrived. Soft drinks and snacks were served to all the guests.
Now the time for cake cutting had come. Cake of rising sun design was looking great. On top of the cake was a candle of No. 1. HERO was unable to blow off the candle and than my dad blew off the candle. I was playing the happy birthday song on the keyboards. Dad and mom gave a knife in Hero’s hand and helped him to cut the cake. Every body was singing the birthday song in chorus. Cake was served to everyone. We had arranged some games for all. We first played the games than dance and followed it up with dinner. Every one had enjoyed a lot and was thanking us for arranging such a unique party.
It was time for the guests to go back. We had arranged return gift for all. We were very tired but also we were happy that Hero’s first birthday was so successful and enjoyable.
Next day we opened and saw all the gifts that people had brought for HERO, they were really nice gifts. Then we arranged the entire house back too normal.
Once again I started teaching Happy birthday tune to HERO on the keyboards. By now HERO was able to play the two words “Happy Birthday “ comfortably. After about a month’s hard work and practice HERO had started to play the full first line of the birthday song. I was very happy that one after another I was succeeding in teaching new things to HERO.
In one and a half months time HERO started playing the full birthday song. My birthday was also approaching. I was daily giving practice to HERO. Third of August was my birthday. As always dad and mom were busy in deciding finer points about my birthday celebration. That day morning mom and dad wished me with a gift and chocolate. And then we saw HERO was coming from garden holding a fresh rose in his mouth. I immediately started laughing. HERO came close to me, gave me the flower and started jumping over me. I lifted HERO in my arms and he started kissing and wishing me happy birthday.
That evening we all went to a restaurant where all guests were invited for my birthday. I had carried my keyboards with me. I blew the candle and cut the cake and HERO started playing the happy birthday song on the keyboards. Everyone present in the restaurant and my friends were very surprised. Some people came close to HERO and started touching him, thinking it was somebody in fancy dress of a dog. All were unable to understand anything. They were murmuring amongst themselves and pointing at HERO.
Mom and dad were proud of me and were kissing me repeatedly. I also lifted HERO and started loving him. I was thinking in one year how much both HERO and I had changed. I had become a boy who understood all his responsibilities.
Time was flying away and HERO was daily urging me to teach him new things. By now HERO had started helping mom in various house hold works. Setting dining table along with me, dusting the house and helping mom in kitchen was now part of his daily routine.
In daytime whenever I was in school and mom busy in household work she used to send HERO to market to get anything she needed. Mom used to put basket in Hero’s neck and money and list of things in the basket. The shopkeeper used to take out the list from the basket and give all items and take money and return change back into the basket.
One day HERO saw dad-wearing sunglasses. Now HERO also wanted sunglasses. On the way back from office that day dad brought a sunglass each for HERO and me. We put the sunglasses on HERO he stood in front of the mirror and kept on staring at himself. He was thinking he had really become a hero. Every new act of HERO was making a deep impression on our hearts. Now HERO had become expert on keyboards and computer games.
As always that day evening I was watering the plants in our garden, my mom had gone to the market. I noticed a lot of birds were making sound and wandering over our garden. I thought they are seeing something that I was unable to see. HERO was also there and playing with his ball close to me. He too heard the noise of the birds. He also started seeing here and there and he suddenly jumped on me and made me fall on one side. I got very angry with HERO and gave him a slap and shouted at him. Poor HERO somehow controlled me and showed one corner. I really got scared. A pair of snakes was there, just next to place where I was watering. I was completely speechless. HERO quickly called everyone in house. A snake charmer was called and he lifted the pair from our garden.
I was feeling ashamed of myself. I was wondering how I became so angry on HERO. I had tears in my eyes and was imagining what would have happened if HERO was not there today. I took HERO in my arms and said sorry to him. HERO also kissed and excused me. When mom returned from market I narrated her the whole incident. Mom was very worried and told the same to dad on his return.
Our neighbours used to be very attracted towards HERO. All used to wish that they also had a pet like HERO in their house. One of our neighbours Mr. Alvin brought a small female puppy in his house.
I think the puppy was one or two months old. They named her Jolly. Jolly was very beautiful and had snowy white hairs like HERO. On seeing Jolly we were reminded of young HERO when we had brought him to our house about a year back.
Jolly frequently used to come close to HERO and used to love HERO a lot. She used to constantly keep staring at HERO. When Mr. Alvin used to come to take Jolly away she never wanted to leave HERO and go. While going she always used to get tears in her eyes.
On seeing that puppy daily I also used to get a very different and strange kind of a feeling. But I could not keep Jolly in our house always as Mr. Alvin had brought Jolly with lot of love. Mr. Alvin was a very kind hearted person and he used to daily drop Jolly in our house in Hero’s company.
HERO and Jolly used to talk with lot of love and affection in their language. We could not understand anything but we were sure they are talking something that is very important. Whenever Jolly came to our house HERO used to stop playing and used to keep on talking to her.
On seeing Jolly one never believed that she is 2 months old puppy. By her behaviour one always got a feeling that she is elder to HERO. Whenever HERO was not drinking milk properly Jolly used to bark and scold him.
Mr. Alvin used to regularly drop Jolly at our house so that she learns all the good manners and skills of HERO. But as it appeared Jolly was teaching HERO and taking care of him.
But on seeing both together I used to feel very happy. By seeing the love between HERO and Jolly I always used to wonder that if similar attachment and love can ever exist between two human beings. By now Jolly had completed 4 months with Mr. Alvin. Because of Jolly Mr. Alvin was frequently coming to our house. He had become like our family member.
That day a couple of friends of my dad had come to our house for dinner. Dad had called Mr. Alvin also and Jolly also came along with them. Everyone was sitting and talking in the drawing room. We were telling the guests about HERO.HERO played a song on the keyboards. One of dad’s friend, Mr. Gomes, who was present had lot of attachment with animals.
Mr. Gomes was doing research on possibilities of animals living as cultured a life, as human beings. He could understand language of most of the pet animals. He was very happy to see the togetherness of HERO and Jolly. He was quite attracted towards the two. Mr. Gomes was repeatedly saying that this is the first time he is seeing such dogs.
I was also asking a lot of questions to Mr. Gomes and was trying to understand as much as I could about various animals and particularly dogs. I was learning a lot from Mr. Gomes. I was very keen to understand how Mr. Gomes could understand language of all the pet animals. I had only read such things in books or seen in cartoon films but meeting a person who could do all this was filling me with excitement.
As usual both HERO and Jolly were intimately talking to one another. I requested Mr. Gomes to find out what were they talking. Mr. Gomes went near to them and started hearing their conversation. Suddenly power went off and our power back up was not working. HERO and Jolly started talking more freely. I brought an emergency light and kept it in the room.
Mr. Gomes asked dad are these two mother and son. I said, “No, Jolly is younger to HERO “. But Mr. Gomes kept on saying that the two were mother and son. He further said that Jolly was telling HERO that he is her son and he should come and live with her.
Mom, Mr. Alvin, and myself were all surprised and were wondering how this is possible. We were completely in disbelief that this is possible. Mr. Gomes said this is case of re-birth. He further said that next day he would get Mr. Joseph, his friend, who has much deep knowledge in these things for final confirmation. We had seen such things in films and read about it in books but seeing such thing in front of our eyes in our own house was so very interesting.
Next day Mr. Gomes and Mr. Joseph came to our house. Mr. Joseph started talking to Jolly .We all were looking the two in complete disbelief. We were just waiting to see what happens next. After Mr. Joseph finished his conversation with Jolly, Jolly asked him to come out somewhere. Jolly was leading all of us to some place. Jolly took us exactly to the same spot where on 13th June 1999 accident had happened. Jolly started telling everything to Mr. Joseph in language which only he could understand fully. Mr. Joseph was also hearing the whole thing with lot of interest.
Jolly started talking to HERO also and Mr. Joseph was hearing everything. After about one hour Mr. Joseph told something to both HERO and Jolly and all of us started back for our house. We were keen to know the outcome of everything. On reaching home, Mr. Joseph told us everything. He told us that Jolly told him that she had given birth to HERO and HERO was just one day old. She was very weak at that time and she was crossing the road with HERO in her hand. As it was evening and the sunlight was dimming and also the road was slippery, she could not notice the speeding car in time and by the time she could turn and run the car had already hit her. She somehow covered HERO and saved him.
We all were looking at each other agog, as all this was cent percent correct. By now Jolly and HERO were in each other’s arms. I had never thought in my dreams also that one day I will witness such a strange love, separation, rebirth and again meeting.
Myself and my family as well as Mr. Alvin and his family were very astonished by this rebirth and used to tell this story to everyone whom we met. Now whenever Jolly came to our house we used to call her Hero’s mother. Similarly in Mr. Alvin’s house they used to call Jolly as Hero’s mother.
Now the relationship between the two puppies’s had a name – Mother and Son. It used to look strange because mother was younger than the son. Still this relation had a very strong cord. It was a deep relation that was re-established by almighty. No body could dare break this relation now. It was a reunion of a mother and child.
HERO and Jolly always used to live together and only in night they used to come to their respective houses. One-day mom, dad and myself were going to one of my friend’s house. I took Mr. Alvin’s permission and kept HERO in his house. Mr. Alvin was reading a fiction book at that time. He gave milk bread to HERO and his mother and again got deeply indulged into reading the novel. He was reading the latest edition of J. K. Rowling’s “ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire “. This was the fourth book on the Harry Potter series. The interest of Harry Potter series was such that if one starts reading the book one would never leave it till the novel is finished. Harry Potter was a wizard and at times I got a feeling that he is doing everything in our house now. Everything that revolved around HERO looked like under influence of Harry Potter. As long as one is engrossed in this novel one feels one is in a different world where everything and anything is possible.
Mr. Alvin was similarly lost in that book ,in his own different world ,when at 11 pm I rang his doorbell to fetch back HERO. Mr. Alvin’s family was not at home and he was alone in house. He was so deeply engrossed in reading that he had forgotten to switch on the light outside his house also. Mr. Alvin opened the door. I told him sorry, as he had to take care of HERO for such a long time. Mr. Alvin was so busy reading the book that he had forgotten that HERO was in his house. I called loudly “HERO “ but I did not get any response from inside the house. Mr. Alvin said, “ See, looks like both have slept off “. I thought let me go inside and lift HERO in my arms and carry him home.
I went inside and saw the plate of milk and bread was there but both mother and son were not there. Now Mr. Alvin got tensed up. I called Dad and mom. Dad and mom also started calling “ HERO. …HERO “ and than we started calling “ Jolly. …Jolly “. But there was no sign of both. Mr. Alvin was also looking for them all around the house.
Mr. Alvin lived in a big house with multiple rooms. We all kept on peeping in each room and kept on calling loudly by now “ HERO…HERO “, “ Jolly …Jolly “. There was no sign or response from the mother and son we could only hear echo of our own voices. By hearing our voices and shouts slowly other neighbours also started gathering in Mr. Alvin’s house. Every one was calling for HERO and Jolly. Every one knew about the mother and son relationship between HERO and Jolly. Mr. Singh, Mr. David, Mrs. Rossini etc all started talking amongst themselves and saying maybe Jolly fled away with Hero.
Although initially we did not like this kind of talk by neighbours but slowly similar doubt started to creep into our minds also. Suddenly it occurred in my mind that there was a friend of HERO and Jolly called Sheru and we could take his help. White coloured Sheru had black spots on his body. Sheru had a very peculiar strength. Standing at one place he could smell things up to 10 kilometers. Sheru was Mrs. Ruby’s pet. Sheru was a well-built alshesian dog. If he used to once bark on any street dog they used to stop coming to that street. But HERO and Sheru were very close friends.
Hearing all this commotion in Mr. Alvin’s house even Mrs. Ruby came there. I told Mom, Dad and Mr. Alvin that we could take Sheru’s help in this. Mom and Mrs. Ruby were friends. Mom asked Mrs. Ruby would she allow Sheru to help us in locating HERO and Jolly. Mrs. Ruby also liked HERO a lot and she promptly agreed for this. Mrs. Ruby immediately brought Sheru. We all told Sheru that it was his turn now and he should try his best in locating HERO and Jolly.
By now it was early morning 2 am and every one was very worried about the where about of HERO and Jolly. Sheru was taken to the place where HERO and Jolly had their last meal – milk and bread given by Mr. Alvin. Sheru started walking and we were following Sheru. After 5 km Sheru stopped near a hospital and started entering it. We were puzzled is Sheru getting smell of HERO and Jolly in this hospital. The watchmen at gate stopped all of us including Sheru. He said no visitors are allowed into the hospital at 5 am in the morning and also pet animals are never allowed. We all requested the watchmen and told him the complete story. He asked us to take permission from the senior doctor on duty for permission to enter the hospital at this time. Dad spoke over phone to the senior doctor on duty and although he was very reluctant initially but he eventually allowed us to come in including Sheru.Sheru took us straight to the Operation theatre. To our surprise we saw that both HERO and Jolly were sitting outside the Operation theatre looking straight into the red light on top of the door. On seeing us a nurse came running towards us and enquired are we relatives of the patient inside.
We were all puzzled as to what has happened. After sometime the operation theatre red light was switched off and a doctor came out. He too asked us if we came for the patient. We told the doctor that we came searching for our dogs. Dad told the doctor he is our HERO and he is Mr. Alvin’s Jolly. On hearing the name HERO, doctor started looking in astonishment towards HERO and said so far I had only heard about HERO and read about his good deeds in the newspaper but I always thought these are well thought out stories rather than reality. I have seen everything with my eyes today and he said your HERO is really an ALLROUNDER.
We were still unable to understand what the doctor was saying. Mrs. Ruby requested the doctor to tell clearly the full thing. Doctor started narrating the whole thing. He told it was 9.30 pm and he was about to finish his duty which ends at 10 pm and was slowly winding up his work when he suddenly heard a loud sound of some vehicle tyre rub on the road as though somebody had suddenly applied brake to a truck. I took it easy as there was a big speed breaker on the road just opposite to the hospital and many times vehicle in night noticed this late and had to apply sudden brake.
Within five minutes I noticed both these dogs enter my room running in. The watchman was chasing them behind. HERO started pulling me by holding my trouser in his mouth as though asking me to come outside. HERO also started pushing the stretcher. I could not understand anything. I came out of the hospital and saw one cycle was there near the speed breaker in completely broken condition and a man was lying next to eat bleeding heavily. I saw his pulse was still there. I thought if these dogs could do so much for a stranger why not I , as a doctor , do my duty of trying to save a life.
I called for stretcher and immediately took the man into the operation theatre. It was serious injury. We searched in his pockets but could not locate anything by which we could establish the identity of the man.
The doctor said I salute to your HERO and Mr. Alvin’s Jolly who saved this man or else he would have been dead.
Dad told the doctor that he will bear all the expenses of this man’s treatment and it is now his duty to find out the where about of this man. Dad thanked everybody who helped us in locating HERO and Jolly and who were on our side during the tense night. We specially thanked Mrs. Ruby and Sheru for the help.
Everyone returned home except dad and me who waited in the hospital for the man to get into his conscious.
It was 8 o’clock in the morning and we were very tired and feeling sleepy and unable to sit awake on the sofa. Suddenly we saw the nurse running towards the doctor’s chamber and we saw doctor also rushing out and heading towards the ICU where the patient was kept under observation after the operation. On his way the doctor told us that the man has regained his consciousness.
The man had regained his consciousness but he was still unable to speak. Doctor told dad that now he is out of danger and I could go home and get fresh and come back. Dad took the list of essential things to be brought and we left for house.
Evening dad and myself again went to the hospital. We carried fruits, juice, milk and water for the man. By now he had recovered quite a bit and was able to speak. He told us that he had no body in this world. He told us his name is Rozer and he works in a private company as administrative officer. We took the phone number of his office and informed his office. A number of people from his office came to the hospital within an hour and started taking care of him.
After a week Rozer was discharged from hospital. After getting discharged from hospital Rozer came straight to our house. He was carrying a number of gift packets with him. He had brought gifts for HERO, Jolly and Sheru. He told although he has no relatives in this world but that day HERO and Jolly both came as god and saved his life. Rozer had got attached to our family.
Rozer used to work in a private company as administrative officer was a fact known to us but he further told us today that on the day of accident his final interview for Indian Administrative Services had taken place and he was coming from Church after praying to god so that he qualifies in the interview when the dreadful accident happened. After three days Rozer’s IAS exams final result was to come and he was eagerly waiting for it.
After three days the IAS results came and Rozer had got selected in IPS cadre and was to go for the training after a week.
Rozer left for his one year IPS training. He did not know where he would get posting after his training. Before leaving for his training he had come to our house and thanked each one of us and particularly HERO, Jolly and Sheru because of whom he was safely going for his training today. He had tears in his eyes so had we all including HERO.
We again got busy in our life and slowly started to forget Rozer.
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