शनिवार, 30 जनवरी 2010


HERO, Jolly and Sheru used to make a team. My friends and I used to be the other team. We used to play a number of games, competing fiercely to win. My friends had also got mixed up with these pets.

It was Christmas holidays and we as a family used to daily go out to have fun. German circus was in town. It was close to our house. We all planned to go together so that it becomes a sort of picnic. We were about 25 people who went to see the circus. Along with us HERO, Sheru and Jolly had also gone.

We were all seated in the first row so that we could take a close look at the various actions. One after another lot of entertainment was lined up. All through Jolly was very uneasy and was almost jumping out of Mr. Alvin’s grips. Mr. Alvin was unable to control Jolly and hence he decided to return back home with Jolly even before the show was over.

Mr. Alvin came to the parking and was taking out his car when he saw somebody came running close to the car. He requested Mr.Alvin to come and meet the Manager of the circus. Mr. Alvin was not able to understand the matter. He stopped his car and went to the Managers cabin. The Manager a fat bulky person called Pinto started loving Jolly. Mr. Pinto told Mr. Alvin that he is keen to take Jolly in his team. He said he has been noticing since start of the show that this puppy is keen to enter the ring. This clearly shows that she wants to join the circus.

Mr. Alvin got angry at this proposal of Mr. Pinto. He said asking for Jolly is like asking for my life. I cannot part with her. It will be end of my life and I cannot live without her. Mr. Pinto tried explaining Mr. Alvin a lot. Mr. Alvin called dad, mom and me out and told us the whole thing. We all told Mr. Pinto that Jolly is life of Mr. Alvin and he cannot part with her. We all returned back home.

Next day Mr. Pinto came to our house. He persuaded us a lot to let Jolly join the circus. He told us that whatever he earns in circus is used for running expenses of the circus and the profit leftover is used for charity towards orphans. He said , with this a lot of underprivileged are benefited and their good wishes is helping him further in continuing with this work. He said that some good wishes of those underprivileged would be showered on Jolly and Mr. Alvin as well. He said Jolly has interest in circus and within a short time he can make her perfect.

After some time of persuasion Mr. Alvin agreed to give Jolly to the circus provided Mr. Pinto brings Jolly to Mr. Alvin first Tuesday of each month and also that he will never beat up Jolly. Mr. Pinto gave all these things in writing and he took off Jolly. That day none of us ate our dinner and we all were re-collecting the separation, reunion and again separation of HERO with his mother.


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